Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. The symptoms include:

* Pain (if able to feel it; pain is sometimes “referred” to shoulder in quadriplegics).
* Fever
* Shortness of breath
* Feeling of tightness in the chest
* Cough that produces secretions
* If tracheotomy is present, may have changes in secretions, such as increased amount and a change in color to green or yellow, and/or
* Weakness, fatigue, nausea, decreased appetite.

The treatment of pneumonia includes:

* Contact your physician
* Begin procedures to drain the particular area of lung involved, such as:
o Respiratory treatments if prescribed by physician
o Postural Drainage
o Percussion
o Assisted coughing and/or increased Suctioning if you have Tracheostomy
o Vaporizer to loosen congestion (cool mist type is preferred)


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