International Orgs

Australasian Spinal Research Trust (Australia)
The Trust is dedicated to finding a cure for paralysis via promotion and funding of research and dissemination of information about developments in research.

Canadian & American Spinal Research Organization (Canada)
An alliance of the CSRO and ASRO to help us maximize research and the fund raising efforts. Dedicated to the improvement of the physical quality of life for persons with a spinal cord injury through targeted medical & scientific research.

Canadian Paraplegic Association (Canada)
Assists those with spinal cord injuries and other physical disabilities to achieve independence, self-reliance and full community participation.

International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (ICORD) (Canada)
Interactive group of research laboratories at the University of British Columbia dedicated to study of developing and adult nervous system and repair and Rehabilitation after injury or disease.

International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS) (Swiss)
A society for physicians and other medical professionals that serves as an international impartial, non-political and non-profit making association whose purpose is to study all problems relating to traumatic and non-traumatic lesions of the spinal cord.

International Spinal Injuries & Rehabilitation Centre (U.K.)
A unique opportunity for successful rehabilitation exists at the acclaimed International Spinal Injuries Center, enhanced by its setting within the well-appointed Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital.

International Spinal Research Trust (U.K.)
The only charity based in the U.K, which is dedicated to funding research on an international scale with the sole aim of ending paralysis caused by spinal cord injury.

ParaDoc (Swiss)
An international spinal cord documentation and referral center for education on spinal cord lesions. Contains a searchable database of publications and reference materials concerning education and training on the subject.

Quadriplegic Association (QASA) (South Africa)
Established to assist quadriplegics by providing a range of highly specialized support services that are designed to promote and encourage their rehabilitation, community integration and independence.

Rick Hansen Institute (Canada)
Canadian foundation supporting research that will lead to new discoveries, which will result in cures for spinal cord injury.

Spinal Cord Research Centre (Canada)
The Spinal Cord Research Centre’s web site at the University of Manitoba, Canada was set up to inform prospective students and postdoctoral trainees, as well as others interested in spinal cord research at the Centre.

Spinal Injuries Association (U.K.)
The national organization for people paralyzed by spinal cord injury. Includes useful information on services in England.

Spinal Research Fund of Australia (Australia)
The Spinal Research Fund of Australia is a member of an International group – International Campaign for Cures of Spinal Cord Injury Paralysis (ICCP) whose mission is to expedite the discovery of cures for spinal cord injury paralysis.

WA Institute for Medical Research Inc. (Australia)
West Australian Neurobiology & Neurotrauma Research Site.

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