Associations & Orgs

American Paraplegia Society
Dedicated to improving the quality of medical care delivered to persons with SCI. Promotes research and the review of scientific findings.

American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA)
Group of medical and other professionals engaged in treatment of spinal cord injury: to promote and establish standards for health care, education, to foster research and to facilitate communication between members.

Canadian & American Spinal Research Organization
An alliance of the CSRO and ASRO to help us maximize research and the fund raising efforts. Dedicated to the improvement of the physical quality of life for persons with a spinal cord injury through targeted medical & scientific research.

Center for Neurologic Study (CNS)
Non-profit organization dedicated to research and treatment of neurological diseases.

Center for Paralysis Research
The Center for Paralysis Research at Purdue University was founded to both develop and test promising methods of treatment for spinal cord injuries.

Christopher &  Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center
A program of the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, was created in 2002 to provide a comprehensive, national source of information for people living with paralysis and their caregivers to promote health, foster involvement in the community, and improve quality of life.

Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation (CRPF)
A merger of the American Paralysis Association and the Christopher Reeve Foundation… supports research to develop effective treatments and a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury.  Web site has News, Publications, Events and other sections.

Cure Paralysis Now (CPN)
The Original Web Site for the Advancement of the Cure for Spinal Cord Paralysis dedicated to all who are involved with or affected by spinal cord injury.  Includes information on clinical trials and prospective cures in the SCI Research Link, news, related links, and a Chat Forum, where you and researchers and clinicians can talk and exchange ideas and information.

Eastern Paralyzed Veterans Association (EPVA)
A non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of spinal cord injured/diseased veterans residing primarily in New York, New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania and Connecticut.  EPVA is a regional chapter of a national association, the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

Foundation for Spinal Cord Injury Prevention, Care & Cure
FSCIPCC is a non-profit educational group dedicated to the prevention, care and cure of spinal cord injuries through public awareness, education and funding research.

Helping Hands – Monkey Helpers
A non-profit organization that trains monkeys to aid quadriplegics and others who are disabled.

International Campaign for Cure of Spinal Injury
An affiliation of organizations working to fund research into cures for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury.  This site has been created as an information resource for interested individuals, organizations and governments who wish to understand more about, and perhaps, contribute to spinal cord injury research.

Kent Waldrep National Paralysis Foundation
Foundation to facilitate a cure for paralysis caused by injury to the spinal cord and/or brain.  Information includes the Foundation’s research, community, and education objectives and research advances.

Miami Project to Cure Paralysis
University of Miami School of Medicine, is the world’s largest, most comprehensive research center dedicated to finding more effective treatments and, ultimately, a cure for paralysis that results from spinal cord injury.

Mike Utley Foundation
Committed to providing financial support of selected research, Rehabilitation and education programs on spinal cord injuries. The Foundation seeks financial assistance through special events, fundraising, and corporate and individual support throughout the United States and Canada.

National Spinal Cord Injury Association
Mission is to enable people with SCI to make choices and take actions to achieve their highest level of independence and personal fulfillment.  Includes current articles/news, injury information, chat, message boards, a quarterly publication and other areas.

Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA)
This site is a resource center for veterans and for all American with a spinal cord injury or disease, as well as their families and the professional communities who serve them. Includes the Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center.

Point of Care, Team-based Information System
Spinal Cord Injury Manual. Provides comprehensive information on spinal cord injury rehabilitation and traumatic brain injury rehabilitation for health care providers, patients and patients families.

Rehabilitation Research Center (RRC)
Involved in research activities to enhance the lives of those affected by SCI and one of the 16 Model Systems of Care for SCI in the United States.

A not-for profit organization that assists paralyzed individuals.

SCI Ring
The SCI Ring is a collection of web sites that share a common interest in spinal cord injury.  All members of the ring have a graphic logo and a link to other ring members.

Spinal Cord Injury – For Your Information (SCI-FYI)
Resource Directory by Santa Clara Medical Center.  Contains local and national spinal cord injury resource information for distribution to any individual that requests it.

Spinal Cord Injury Information Network
News, research projects, and happenings. Information & Statistics.

Spinal Cord Injury Network International (SCINI)
SCINI is a non-profit organization dedicated to facilitating access to quality health care by providing information and referral services to spinal-cord-injured individuals and their families.

Spinal Cord Injury Resource Center
Provides help for people with spinal-cord injuries and related disorders.  Includes basic explanations about the condition, news and advice on lifestyle, information on SCI, managed care, new treatment guidelines and SCI-related conditions, such as Autonomic Dysreflexia.

Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, and Paralysis Support
Guide to Support on-line information about spinal cord injury.

Spinal Cord Society (SCS)
An international organization for cure research and treatment of spinal cord injury paralysis and related problems.  Site includes headlines from the SCS newsletter on cure research, current SCS research projects, and other information on SCS.  100% of its research funding goes for research!

Travis Roy Foundation
The Travis Roy Foundation provides grants to victims of spinal cord paralysis based on financial need and also funds research. In addition to grant information, the web site contains information about Foundation events, fund-raisers and programs, as well as SCI information & resources.

W. M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience & The SCI Project
The Center is situated at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. The SCI Project encompasses the research program devoted to care and cure of spinal cord injury.  This site describes the people, the research programs, and the mission of the Center.  Also provides support and information for the community, including the CareCure Community forum.

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