Working 2 Walk Symposium & Rally

It’s that time again. Make plans to join us for the 2nd Annual Working 2 Walk Symposium & Rally in Washington, DC. In addition to hearing the latest updates on scientific progress from leading researchers (including Drs. John McDonald, Stephen Davies, W. Dalton Dietrich, and Wise Young), this year’s Symposium will focus on the need for a clinical trial structure. This is your opportunity to learn about the status of a North American Clinical Trial Network. Find out what you as an advocate can do to advance this critical component in achieving a cure, and how you can assist our researchers who are working so hard to move science from the lab to human applications.

Attendees will also be able to take advantage of comprehensive advocacy training for our 2007 legislative agenda, network with patients, practitioners, and supporters, and take home a renewed sense of energy and urgency in the fight to cure paralysis.

For more details visit the Working 2 Walk website, where news of the event will be updated frequently.

U2FP’s Bridges 2 Hope project was recently recognized as one of the “59 Smartest Orgs” online by Internet-savvy squidoo. We plan to expand the B2H project in the next few months, and hope to have sufficient entries to compile a hard-cover book to use in our advocacy efforts in Washington. If you haven’t submitted your story yet, please take a few minutes to share your experience at Bridges 2 Hope.

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