Thank You from The Christopher Reeve Action Network

First of all, thank you for your tireless dedication. Without your help, the historic passage of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act (H.R. 810) in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate would not have been possible. By taking up the legacy of our courageous leaders on this issue, Christopher and Dana Reeve, your determined advocacy played an important role in these significant victories. Thank you.

Unfortunately, as you know, President George W. Bush issued the first veto of his presidency and the House of Representatives failed to get enough votes to override the veto of H.R. 810. Despite this setback, we will continue to Go Forward, to ensure that politics do not again get in the way of hope.

Now, we must thank our friends on Capitol Hill who worked so hard to bring us this far. Click here to learn how your Senators and Representative voted on H.R. 810. Please send thank you letters to those who voted with us and send letters expressing your disappointment to those who did not. This debate is far from over, and it is important that our Congressional leaders hear our thanks and disappointment now, and know that we will be counting on them to revisit this issue in the near future.

We will Go Forward with this fight, on behalf of Christopher and Dana Reeve, in support of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research that provides hope to over 100 million Americans suffering from paralysis, cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and other debilitating diseases and disorders. We know we can count on you to stand with us, until we win this one.


Kathy Lewis
President and CEO
Christopher Reeve Foundation

The Christopher Reeve Action Network
Go Forward

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