Support ‘The Ringer’ on Opening Weekend, Dec. 23-25

NDSS Invites the DS Community to Support “The Ringer” on Opening

The National Down Syndrome Society is proud to join the Special Olympics in support of “The Ringer”, an upcoming Farrelly brothers film that uses humor to challenge destructive stereotypes of people with intellectual disabilities. The film opens at theaters nationwide on December 23, 2005, and we invite all our constituents across the country to support the film on opening weekend and beyond.

“The Ringer” tells the story of Steve Barker, a young man who pretends to have an intellectual Disability so he can compete in and “fix” a Special Olympics event. However, Barker’s attitude changes as he develops friendships with several of the Special Olympics athletes. He learns, as will moviegoers, that people with intellectual disabilities are more like the rest of us than they are different. The athletes in the film listen to music, play video games, watch the latest movies, and work together toward athletic excellence – all while having fun.

Instead of tugging at the heartstrings, “The Ringer” uses the typical outrageous Farrelly Brothers humor (There’s Something about Mary, Stuck on You, Shallow Hal) to promote the message that just like everyone else, individuals with intellectual disabilities are people first, each with their own interests, talents, abilities and personalities. The movie also features more than 150 people with intellectual disabilities in small parts and supporting roles.

We are very excited about the opportunity that “The Ringer” offers to raise the profile of people with intellectual disabilities in their communities. We encourage all our constituents to support the film by watching it at a theater near you.

The invitation includes a message from Eddie Barbanell, an actor with Down syndrome who stars in the film. Please feel free to print out copies and distribute the flyer to all individuals in your community who are interested in supporting individuals with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities. We hope you enjoy the film, and we thank you for helping us spread the word about this great vehicle for promoting acceptance and inclusion!

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