Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tag: Disabilty

Online Magazines

EnabledOnline An online magazine and community that offers to people with disabilities, their families and caregivers a place to connect and share experiences. Mainstream Small online commentary...

Other Resource Sites

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act U.S. Department of Justice ADA home page. ADA Technical Assistance Program Consisted of a diverse array of projects to further the...

Spinal Cord Injury Facts & Statistics

Think you know the facts about spinal cord injuries?  Here is some information that may surprise you. Who Do Spinal Cord Injuries Affect in...

The Model Spinal Cord Injury Care Systems

The Model Spinal Cord Injury System program, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative...

Social Security Disability Benefits

When to apply: You should apply as soon as you become disabled. If you apply for Social Security, Disability benefits will not begin until the...

First-ever guidelines for spinal cord injuries.

How spinal cord injuries (SCI) are managed--especially in the critical early stages--has a profound effect on a patient's outcome. The publication of the first...

Rover in Rehab

Therapy dogs work with SCI patients at University of Washington and Harborview Medical Centers Animal lovers know how comforting a pet can be. Health...

Life Satisfaction Among Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries

Every year, approximately 10,000 persons in the United States, typically young adults (New Mobility, 1996), seriously injure their spinal cords and become permanently paralyzed....

Sexual problems of disabled patients

ABC of sexual health Almost 4% of the UK population have some form of physical, sensory, or intellectual Impairment--almost 2.5 million people. Many of these...

A Comparison Between People with Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a severe traumatic Disability that occurs suddenly and affects both sensory and Motor functions. According to the National Spinal...