Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Spinal Cord Injury Videos

Managing Pressure Injuries

Managing Pressure Injuries – Free Course on Cortree from SCIO

Pressure injuries are a health concern for many people with spinal cord injuries and other disabilities. As we age, our level of mobility and...

Bridging the Gap (BG+): AI-enabled Solutions for Spinal Cord Injury

The Bridging the Gap Plus (BG+) program aims to develop new approaches for treating spinal cord injury by integrating injury stabilization, regenerative therapy, and...

Apple accessibility video highlights voice control, sound recognition, door detection, and more

A new Apple accessibility video highlights a variety of features designed to offer independence to people with a range of disabilities. Set to the soundtrack...

Scientists identify neurons that restore walking after paralysis

In a multi-year research program coordinated by the two directors of .NeuroRestore—Grégoire Courtine, a neuroscience professor at EPFL, and Jocelyne Bloch, a neurosurgeon at...

Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month Experience at Craig Hospital

https://youtu.be/yaR1bVBYHfc Candi Boyd, Craig’s chaplain of 17 years, tried something new during Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month this year: spending a day in a wheelchair....
Bowel Management After Spinal Cord Injury

Bowel Management After Spinal Cord Injury

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXLYrPhtYgw Many people with a spinal cord injury experience some type of bowel dysfunction, which can have a wide variety of health and well-being consequences....

Modern Management of Spinal Cord Injuries – Michael Fehlings, M.D. , Ph.D.

The Seattle Science Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to advancing the quality of patient care through education, research, innovation and technology....

‘Gigi & Nate’ Review: A Tender Bond

As far as by-the-book, feel-good dramas go, “Gigi & Nate” has a fail-safe formula, designed to jerk tears and warm hearts. The film tells...
Charles River Labs

Bringing effective treatments to people with spinal cord injury: Meet Dr. Wise Young

Meet our sixth disruptor Dr. Wise Young. He and his team have embarked on a nearly impossible mission to cure spinal cord injuries. With...

Maintaining Your Health After A Spinal Cord Injury

Maintaining your health post-injury can be challenging. United Spinal Association is here to provide you with the information and resources you need to make...