Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tag: Range Of Motion

Accepting New Help

The world we live in - and we ourselves - place a very high value on physical independence. We're raised on the expectation that...


Most people seem to exercise for one or more of four reasons: to improve flexibility, increase strength, increase endurance or aerobic conditioning, or improve...


Rick was getting dressed one morning ­ just sliding on his pants and pulling up a sock. He heard a loud “SNAP.” Broken hip,...

Range Of Motion

The body, under normal circumstances, is constantly moving. This movement, often times an unconscious act, will keep the joints loose and prevents pressure sores...

Spinal Cord Injury Glossary

Abdominal Binder - Wide elastic binder use to help prevent a drop in blood pressure or used for cosmetic purposes to hold in abdomen....

Blue bracelets – a step toward a cure?

For Chaz Southard, hope exists in the form of a blue plastic bracelet. "People naturally ask why you're wearing the bracelet and what it's for,"...

Uncharted waters

Tim Swieckowski is a quadriplegic, but a specially designed boat allows him to be one of the few who sail on their own. SAND KEY...

Robotic technology teaches spinal cord injury patients to walk again

A 50-year-old man paralyzed from the neck down in a devastating motorcycle accident a year ago is learning to walk again with the help...


The emergency medical care system is the patient's point of entry into the medical care system. The goal during this period is for...

Spinal Cord Injury Range Of Motion Exercises

If the joints, muscles, ligaments, and tendons are not exercised they will contract/stiffen which will affect your body in many ways. To keep these...