Tag: Survey
How can employers support workers with spinal injuries?
There has been slow progress in getting more disabled people into work, and those with spinal cord injuries have a particularly low employment rate....
How is Spirituality Linked to Quality of Life in People with Spinal Cord Injury?
A spinal cord injury (SCI) is damage anywhere along the spinal cord, often due to an accident or other trauma. SCI typically causes a...
Neuralstem files FDA application for first chronic spinal cord injury stem cell trial
Neuralstem, Inc. (NYSE Amex:CUR) announced that it has filed an Investigational New Drug (IND) application with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Announces Expansion of NeuroRecovery Network
Three community-based health and wellness facilities to provide better access to exercise for those living with paralysis
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation has named...
Safety Follow-up of Adult Stem Cell Patients Yields Promising Results
The XCell-Center has completed a promising safety follow-up of 870 patients who were treated by lumbar puncture for various indications such as spinal cord...
Pitt Study Shows Wheelchair Breakdowns Common and Cause Problems for Spinal-Cord Injured Users
PITTSBURGH, – Nearly half of all individuals with spinal cord injury have to repair their wheelchairs in a six-month period due to a breakdown,...
Survey on wheelchair user experiences
Research analysts at UConn invite individuals who use wheelchairs to participate in this survey and share thoughts and opinions pertaining to wheelchair use. Responses...