Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Spinal Cord Injury Links that are helpful or interesting

Fun 4 the Disabled

At Fun4theDisabled, we believe everyone deserves not only to be included, but celebrated. We create video media and content highlighting opportunities for people with...

Blink of an Eye Podcast

Blink of an Eye, hosted by Louise Phipps Senft, acclaimed mediator, CEO, and mother, takes listeners on a riveting journey of trauma healing and...

InVivo Therapeutics

InVivo Therapeutics is a research and clinical-stage biomaterials and biotechnology company with a focus on treatment of spinal cord injuries. By modulating the healing environment...

Obi – The first dining robot of its kind

Obi is a first of its kind, revolutionary dining device for individuals who lack upper extremity function. Obi increases independence, social interaction, and effective...

Quad Life Podcast

Quad Life brings you the daily realities of life with a spinal cord injury. Featuring stories that are often difficult, sometimes funny and always...


The trials presented on this website are a subset of those on ClinicalTrials.gov that are for spinal cord injuries and have had features added...

Buttons 2 Button Magnetic Adaptor Dressing Aide

https://youtu.be/pjyKJT--K8Q Wareologie is excited to launch with Buttons 2 Button Magnetic Adaptors. Convert your shirt buttons and buttonholes into magnetic closures. Overcome dexterity challenges and...

Persons With Disabilities Discounts Guide: The Ultimate List of Stores & Services

TheĀ Dealhack Persons With Disabilities Discounts Guide is a list of stores and brands that offer discounts for persons with psychological, psychiatric, or cognitive disabilities....

The World’s Only Independent Alpine Ski for Complex Disabilities

Speed, precision and excitement are not usually associated with life after a catastrophic injury or illness. Until now. The TetraSki represents technology that has finally...

Dustin Fly Art

Quadriplegic Modern/abstract artist Collection of paintings Dustin Fly sells and has made. He broke his neck in 2010 and started painting afterward. Message Dustin...