Sunday, February 16, 2025


Spinal Cord Injury Links that are helpful or interesting

International Orgs

Australasian Spinal Research Trust (Australia) The Trust is dedicated to finding a cure for paralysis via promotion and funding of research and dissemination of information...

Forums & Newsgroups

BrainTalk Communities Online patient support groups for people living with neurological conditions provided as a free public service by the Department of Neurology at Massachusetts...

Disability Directories

Disabilities Online A guide to information concerning disabilities available on the World Wide Web. Database has more than 500 sites - which includes both Canadian...


AccessDome A Global Community dedicated to individuals seeking or offering products, services, information, and participation in ensuring that the Web is accessible to people with...

Associations & Orgs

American Paraplegia Society Dedicated to improving the quality of medical care delivered to persons with SCI. Promotes research and the review of scientific findings. American Spinal...

Assitive & Adaptive Technology

ABLEDATA The premier source for information on Assistive Technology. ABLEDATA is a federally funded database whose primary mission is to provide information on assistive technology...

Law Firms & Attorneys

Law Firms & Attorneys Specializing in Spinal Cord Injury Cases Brain Injury Law Center Based in Hampton, VA, and recognized nationally as a legal advocate for...