Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Monthly Archives: January 2004

Chinese Scientists Grow Embryonic Stem Cells To Motor Neurons

Scientists reported Sunday that they coaxed human embryonic stem cells to become spinal Motor neurons, critical nervous system pathways that relay messages from the...

School Uses Cells From Aborted Fetuses

Researchers at the Georgetown University Medical Center, a Catholic institution, are using cells derived from aborted fetuses in medical research. Catholic doctrine opposes abortion, but...

After spinal cord injury – getting muscles to respond

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (USA)--When someone's spinal cord is completely severed, brain signals can no longer reach the legs to tell the legs to walk. A...

Nanofiber Gel Could Heal Spinal Damage

A gel of tiny fibers could help reverse paralysis from spinal cord injury. The gel, created by scientists from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, contains...

Iraqi Child’s Life In Balance

12-year-old Paralyzed by Accidental Mortar Being Evacuated to USA BETHESDA, Md., Jan. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- A U.S. mortar attack that hit the wrong target has...


Little is known about the gastric effects of spinal cord injury (SCI). There have been few studies on the gastric emptying half-time (GET1/2) of...

Appendicitis in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury.

In general, patients with appendicitis present with a reliable set of signs and symptoms that facilitate early diagnosis. Prompt surgical treatment usually results in...

A Little History about Mark & dreamblvr.com

Most people begin by telling some tragic story about paralysis. The tragic part often happens after the injury. During high school, I had a teacher...

Voices of Conflict; Voices of Healing – Book

Thirty years ago, I had a car accident that rendered me quadriplegic. As you can imagine, this one moment changed everything. One week later,...

The Kresge Foundation Awards Jewish a $1.5 Million Challenge Grant for Frazier Rehab

Louisville, KY… The Kresge Foundation has awarded Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services (JHHS) a $1.5 million challenge grant to aid in the completion of Frazier...