Thursday, April 25, 2024

Monthly Archives: January 2004

Axon Growth and Guidance

Currently, an important question in spinal cord repair is how to influence nerve fibers to regenerate across long distances and make meaningful connections. During...

Best Intentions

Most people have the best intentions when they tell you stories of their lives or make gestures in an attempt to relate to your...

Can you guys still f***?

I went to college at Edinboro University after my injury to gain the benefits of a more accessible Environment transferring from Clarion University. I...

Pediatric cervical spine injuries: avoiding potential disaster.

Although Cervical spine injuries (CSIs) are uncommon in children, a missed or delayed diagnosis may have devastating consequences for the patient. A thorough understanding...


Once I was conscious of my accident and the doctors gave me the doom and gloom speech, you’re pretty much left alone to deal...


My injury occurred in late August and that following summer I learned how valuable the input and innocence of children could be that just...

Parking lot helper

I personally think that I’m in a very unique position to see the kindness in so many people because of my situation. For twenty...

If you believed in God, you’d be walking

This has actually happened to me twice in the past ten years. The first time was in the North so we can’t blame it...

Religious Drunk

I really question the faith of some people who display their uncompromising belief that God can work miracles right here, right now, even if...


Bill Cosby has been able to have a successful television show based on the silly things kids say. Their imagination, lack of restraint and...