Friday, November 8, 2024

Monthly Archives: August 2005

Quality of Life: What’s Important

Researchers have much data showing that people with spinal cord injuries have a high quality of life. Many people are surprised by this. "How...

Skin: It’s too Much Pressure!

You’ve probably heard enough about skin to last a lifetime. It’s THE thing that health care professionals hammer on the most. And with good...


You already know that a spinal cord injury causes an Impairment of the muscles involved in breathing ­ the higher the injury, the greater...

Spasticity – aging with a spinal cord injury

Thirty and forty years ago, no one “in the know” believed that aging with a spinal cord injury would be something we’d care about....


Because spinal cord injury can be a life changing event, your whole way of life - including your spirituality -- is challenged. You may...

Switching to a Power Wheelchair

For many SCI survivors, recapturing independence is your single most significant achievement. You view any concessions to that independence ­ accepting more help, using...

Understanding and Managing Stress

It could be a traffic jam, or a busy airport. It could be at school or on the job. Wherever your look, you can...

Upper-Extremity Pain

For 20 years, Tom had “no aches, no pains, no nothing.” Why was his luck changing now? Maybe his shoulder pain started because his...

Weight Gain

So you gained five pounds in the last year; no big deal. It’s probably not enough for anyone to notice. But think about it:...

You Are How You Feel

One of the first questions out of your doctor's mouth is often something like, "How are you feeling?" More than just a conversation starter,...