Tag: Children
Amazing wheelchair costumes will make you smile
On Halloweens past, 9-year-old Caleb McLelland has driven a backhoe with bright yellow wheels, flown through the clouds as Superman and sped into action...
Learn about Spina Bifida
October is National Spina Bifida Awareness Month, a time to educate the public about the most common permanently disabling birth defect while celebrating the...
UofL Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury Research Program Garners Significant Support
The Helmsley Charitable Trust provides $1.5 million grant
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – At three months of age, Emmalie Smith suffered a spinal cord injury leaving her...
Spinal cord injury won’t slow this young ballerina
ATLANTA, Ga. - The small dance classroom is filled with about a dozen eager children. And, right out of the gate, it's pretty obvious...
The Upsee by Firefly
Our products make lives better. Firefly is about special needs family participation, helping more children take part in special family moments.
The Upsee is an...
First Study Tracking Stem Cell Treatments For Children With Spinal Cord Injuries Shows Potential...
Previous studies have shown that multiple stem cell implantations might assist adults suffering from complete spinal cord injuries (SCI). Now a groundbreaking study released...
Spinal Cord Injuries in Young People
Spinal cord injuries often involve young people but few teens and college students understand the potentially life threatening risks that come with playing many...
Saving Children’s Spines
(NAPSI)—While between 1,500 to 2,000 children and adolescents sustain spinal cord injuries every year, you can help keep your kids out of such statistics.
Kosair Charities gives UofL $7.3 million to help children regain use of limbs
UofL adds $2.7 million to effort from Owsley Frazier gift
Efforts by University of Louisville researchers to help children with spinal cord injuries received a...
Spinal Cord Injury and Pregnancy
Many times when I find out one of my patients is, are pregnant, I will put them in therapy in the second trimester, for...