Friday, January 24, 2025

Tag: Community Living

United Spinal Association Action Alert

How important is health care reform to you? As necessary as having access to adequate and affordable health care coverage when and where you...


WheelchairNet: A Wheelchair Virtual Community for consumers, families, clinicians, insurers, researchers, suppliers, and People who Care about Wheelchairs.

13 Days of Caring: Spinal Cord Injury Association

On a snow day in March of 1999, life suddenly changed for Debbie Burke. The sixth-grade teacher took her kids sledding at Ottawa Park...

Two Oakdale men headed to Beijing for paralympics

Jon Rydberg and Dan James will be representing their hometown of Oakdale and their country by heading to Beijing this September to compete in...

Community Participation after Spinal Cord Injury This Photovoice project is the result of 10 people with spinal cord injury photographing issues of accessibility of the community around Charleston, SC. We...

Spinal Cord Injury Support Group of South Florida

Pictures of Spinal Cord Injury Support Group of South Florida

Surviving Paralysis facilitates the sharing of information between people with paralysis and other forms of disability, and in so doing, unite people like myself that...

Wheelchair Nation

Every 41 minutes another person sustainsa spinal cord injury. Without a doubt, one of the most debilitating andlife-altering events comes as a result of...

Primolicious – Disability Community

Primolicious is the cozy online gathering place for the DisabilityCommunity where Partners with common interests and challenges connect,share and support one another. A great place...

Canine companion could help Walker realize goals

Trenell Walker is a UNT graduate and is currently working on his masters degree at the University of North Texas in Denton in Rehabilitation...