Sunday, February 9, 2025

Tag: peer support

Finding Meaning and Joy After Spinal Cord Injury

Preethi Srinivasan was an 18-year-old with a bright future in sports and academics. A state-level medalist in swimming, she was also a proficient cricket...
Voices United campaign

United Spinal Association Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary

Building An Inclusive World that Empowers People with Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders in Reaching Their Full Potential United Spinal Association has reached a historic...

Women ReAbled – Women’s Chapter of the Spinal Cord Injury Support Group (SCISG)

The Spinal Cord Injury Support Group (SCISG) Women’s Chapter vision is to provide a forum where members discuss female specific topics and share ideas...

A sisterhood for partners of men with spinal cord injuries

After Elena Pauly’s boyfriend sustained a spinal-cord injury in 2016, she turned to Google for guidance on how to navigate the challenges of her...

‘It’s going to be okay’: Mother uses personal experience to support people with spinal...

Mandurah mother-of-two Tayla Stone said if she could send a message to her teenage self, it would be that things are going to be...

MossRehab: Managing Emotional Health After Spinal Cord Injury Following a spinal cord injury, people may feel a wide range of emotions including anger, confusion, sadness, shock and frustration. In this installment of...