Sunday, February 16, 2025

Tag: Video

Paralyzed Veterans to Receive Specialty Wheelchairs from ITC Employees

Hunting, fishing and other outdoor pursuits are often out of reach for paralyzed military veterans. Soon, with the help of ITC employees, more veterans will have access to specialized all-terrain wheelchairs.

Activity and Chronic Spinal Cord Injury

Activity-based restorative therapy continues to gain in popularity. By combining progressive interventions with a focus on restoration of function lost to paralysis, ABRT has proven to have a significant impact on patients function and quality of life.

Managing Chronic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury Chronic (or long-standing) pain is a common problem for people living with spinal cord injury, and it is often very difficult to treat. At this...

Spinal Cord – External Anatomy – 3D Anatomy Tutorial

3D anatomy tutorial on the external anatomy of the spinal cord using the BioDigital Human. Structures discussed in this video include: - vertebral column - intervertebral foramina -...

Osteoporosis and Fractures in Persons with SCI: What, Why, and How to Manage

By Jelena Svircev, MD, Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and staff physician at the Spinal Cord...

Anatomy of the Spinal Cord and How it Works This video discuss the anatomy of the spine. It is part of the DVD series "Understanding Spinal Cord Injury" created by Shepherd Center. Visit...

Spinal Cord Injury and Pregnancy Many times when I find out one of my patients is, are pregnant, I will put them in therapy in the second trimester, for...
Female Fertility after Spinal Cord Injury

Female Fertility after Spinal Cord Injury Diane M. Rowles, MS, NP Nurse Practitioner, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (Formally the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) I always want to tell people that...

Spinal Cord Injury: Progress and Promise in Stem Cell Research University of California Television (UCTV) Series: "California Institute for Regenerative Medicine"