Saturday, November 9, 2024

Tag: Video

John the Barber: beats odds to cut hair again, even from a wheelchair

Getting shot six times and becoming paralyzed from the chest-down didn’t stop John “So Icey John” Sharp from becoming one of the best barbers...

Finding a new outlet through quadriplegic rugby Team captain Earl Bowser uses the backs of his hands to push his titanium wheelchair across the battle-worn gym floor, carrying a volleyball in...

Quadriplegic artist uses mouth to create masterpieces

SPICEWOOD, TEXAS - A local artist is creating masterpieces in a very unique way after he fractured two vertebrae. "About 15 years ago, I was...

RibGrips Wheelchair Handrims

Go Power - More distance per push Stop Power - On a dime A wheelchair handrim designed by a quadriplegic veteran, RibGrips are perfect for...

Quadriplegic Jaimen Hudson’s soaring success

Left a quadriplegic by an accident at the age of 17, Jaimen Hudson never said die. Instead, he found a way to soar –...

Wings for Life World Run Ambassador Eric LeGrand: A Work of Art Former Rutgers football player Eric LeGrand was paralyzed in an October 16, 2010 college football game, fracturing his C-3 and C-4 vertebrae. Since then,...

Quadriplegic defies the odds and plays the guitar again

Musician Ryan “Gooch” Nelson was 18 when a car accident left him paralyzed. Five years later he was diagnosed with leukemia. He shared his...

Bioelectronic devices to improve quality of life after SCI Bioelectronic devices that record and stimulate the brain, spinal cord or peripheral nerves have potential to dramatically improve function after injury or disease. For...

Engineering a spinal cord repair kit

New, multifunctional fibers to help repair nerve damage or deliver treatment for mental, neurological disorders Polina Anikeeva hopes to one day be able to regenerate...

Quadriplegic Lee Bullock doesn’t let physical limitations stop his music-making passion

Lee Bullock cannot move most of his body, but he still does more with his time than many able-bodied people. Mr Bullock became quadriplegic at...