Friday, April 19, 2024


Answers to frequently asked Questions about Spinal Cord Injury

What are the effects of SCI?

The effects of SCI depend on the type of injury and the level of the injury. SCI can be divided into two types...

What is Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is damage to the spinal cord that results in a loss of function such as mobility or feeling. Frequent causes...

What is the spinal cord and the vertebra?

The spinal cord is about 18 inches long and extends from the base of the brain, down the middle of the back, to about...

Why is my spinal cord important?

Your Spinal Cord is important because without a spinal cord your brain and your body couldn't communicate with each other. The spinal cord is the...

I need help in getting something so I can use my computer. Can...

I'm a C3-C5 Quadriplegic with very little movement. If your able to move your head there are a few products to choose from... Here is...


Question: What are stem cells? Answer: Stem cells have the potential to develop into different cell types in the body. A repair system for the...

What is Paraplegia and Quadriplegia?

Paraplegia is the loss of sensation and movement in legs and in part or all of the trunk, usually resulting from an injury to...

What is autonomic dysreflexia?

The Autonomic Nervous System often becomes hyperactive in people with spinal cord injury. Autonomic Dysreflexia manifests in large increases in blood pressure (hypertension) with...

What is meant by the terms “complete” and “incomplete” injuries?

Complete injuries result in total loss of sensation and function below the injury level. Incomplete injuries result in partial loss. "Complete" does not necessarily...

How does spinal cord injury affect the skin?

Spinal cord injury reduces or eliminates skin sensation in dermatomes below the injury site. Because people cannot feel or move, they may sit or...