Sunday, February 9, 2025


Spinal Cord Injury Videos

Explore Health Dr. Carlos Rangel

Donald Margolis of RSCI talks to Dr. Carlos Rangel who is making amazing strides in the treatment of Spinal Cord Injury.

Dare to Dream: The search toward a cure for paralysis.

An in depth look into individuals living life as quadriplegics.

ReWalk by Argo – A Life Regained ReWalkâ„¢, the first commercially viable upright walking assistance tool, enables wheelchair users with lower-limb disabilities to stand, walk, and even climb stairs. For potentially millions...

Amazing Inspirational Teen's Graduation Address

Our 17-year old son's journey with spinal cord injury. His Graduation Address to Hants East Rural High, 2008.

Business Coach and Life Coach – Bill Cawley

In this video, motivational speaker and peak performance coach Bill Cawley introduces himself and tells the story of his recovery following a life-changing accident 15 years ago.

Ed Leatherman at Shepherd Center

Shepherd Center spinal cord injury patient Edward Leatherman talks about his experience at Shepherd Center.

Medicaid and Medicare: What's it all mean?

Jason Lazarus, a financial planner from Orlando, FL, explains the differences between Medicaid and Medicare.

Exercise Equipment – – PHYSICAL THERAPY

Exercise equipment for those confined to a wheelchair.

Two Important Recovery Options in Paralysis and Spinal Cord

Recovering from a brain or spinal cord injury can be extremely difficult.

Basic Facts about Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are often physically and emotionally challenging.