Saturday, February 8, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2003

Financing The Future

Managing Disability Related Expenses Along with the emotional and physical challenges that lie ahead, your finances will be an ongoing concern. The cost of health...

Liability And Your Rights

What is Liability? Liability means responsibility under the law. If a person or company is responsible, or partially responsible, for someone else's injury, they can...

Your Legal Options

Anyone who has suffered a spinal cord injury or serious back injury should consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to determine their...

Research In Sci Treatment

Drug Treatments For New Injuries NOTE: It is important to realize these drugs are not a cure for chronic (long-term) spinal cord injuries. It is...

Treatment and Cure Research

Summary of Basic Science Research As you can see by the facts detailed above, the problem of CNS response to injury is incredibly complex. No...

The Model Spinal Cord Injury Care Systems

The Model Spinal Cord Injury System program, sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative...

Law Firms & Attorneys

Law Firms & Attorneys Specializing in Spinal Cord Injury Cases Brain Injury Law Center Based in Hampton, VA, and recognized nationally as a legal advocate for...

Social Security Disability Benefits

When to apply: You should apply as soon as you become disabled. If you apply for Social Security, Disability benefits will not begin until the...

Assitive & Adaptive Technology

ABLEDATA The premier source for information on Assistive Technology. ABLEDATA is a federally funded database whose primary mission is to provide information on assistive technology...

Associations & Orgs

American Paraplegia Society Dedicated to improving the quality of medical care delivered to persons with SCI. Promotes research and the review of scientific findings. American Spinal...