* Hard surface floors — such as wood, vinyl, tile, or tightly woven carpeting installed tight to the floor – with a flat, non-skid surface; joints of a tile floor provide a measure of friction and patterns can be selected that mask scuff marks from wheelchair tires
* 4 feet wide hallways, wherever possible; if narrow hallways must be used, then doors should be widened to allow easy access to and egress from adjoining rooms; turning room at the beginning and end of a hallway
* Evaluate the routes from the street curb, driveway, or garage, into and through the home and remove structures that impede free wheelchair movement
* Walls of a materials that is easy to clean and maintain, with clear plastic edging or metal plaster bead at corners, and clear plastic shields in hard wear areas, such as above the sink and where wheelchair footrests touch the walls for protection; insulation inside the walls to reduce heat and air conditioning expenses
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