The last four years of Jonathan Kloss’ life have been a challenge.
But not just because he took classes that pushed him and had to deal with everything that high school students encounter.
Jonathan also had to adjust to life in a wheelchair.
On May 20, 2004, — just before the end of eighth grade — Jonathan suffered severe spinal cord injuries in a bicycle accident.
On Monday night, four years after his accident, Jonathan and his classmates became graduates of West Scranton High School.
“I never thought I’d be here,” Jonathan, now 18, said.
The last four years of Jonathan’s life included therapy at least twice a week and adjusting to life with a spinal cord injury.
Now a high school graduate, Jonathan will be adjusting to life 10 hours away from home — a move that makes his family “nervous.”
This fall, Jonathan will attend Henry Ford Community College outside Detroit, where he’ll study psychology.
His girlfriend of three years, who lives in Michigan, is now finding him an apartment and will attend Henry Ford with him.
“This is a big thing for me,” Jonathan said.
Eventually he wants to work in a hospital, helping people, who like himself, have suffered spinal cord injuries.
The Times-Tribune Staff Writer
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