Tag: Cerebral Palsy
Neurology Videos by Armando Hasudungan
Neurology - Spinal Cord Introduction
Neurology - Nerve Damage and Regeneration
Neurology - Autonomic Nervous System
View all the Neurology videos by Armando Hasudungan here!
Cerebral Palsy Guidance
We provide vital guidance and assistance to parents of a child with cerebral palsy.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance was created to provide answers and assistance to...
Cerebral Palsy Guide
Cerebral Palsy Guide - Your Guide to Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy Guide provides free educational materials, financial options and emotional support for those affected by...
Christopher Hills – Video Editor With Cerebral Palsy
Meet Christopher Hills - a young boy who uses Apple products to edit videos.
Riding a bike with her hands
Canadian Morgan Van Breda is cycling from Delhi to Kanyakumari to raise awareness about spinal cord injury, and funds for her own treatment
Thirty two...
New Research Demonstrates Safety of Cord-blood-derived Stem Cell Treatments
Beike Biotechnology and Medistem, Inc. Report on 114 Patients Treated With Novel Cord Blood Stem Cell Protocol; New Approach Opens Door to Expanded Uses...
With U.S. stem cell treatments limited, patients try other countries
Disillusioned by U.S. doctors who could not help their daughter with cerebral palsy, Kara Anderson's parents did something they could not have imagined a...
Safety Follow-up of Adult Stem Cell Patients Yields Promising Results
The XCell-Center has completed a promising safety follow-up of 870 patients who were treated by lumbar puncture for various indications such as spinal cord...
Power Soccer
Power Soccer is the first competitive team sport designed and developed specifically for power wheelchair users.
Underwater treadmills provide cutting-edge spinal cord injury rehab
Physical therapist Sandra Stevens first explored the use of underwater treadmills at Middle Tennessee State University with children suffering from cerebral palsy. She hypothesized...