Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tag: Nonprofit Organization

The Woody Foundation

The Woody Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization formed in 2011 to raise funds for people with paralysis. The namesake of...

SCI CAN Foundation

“Our mission is to promote the long term health, wellness, recovery, and quality of life for individuals with spinal cord injury and other neurological...

Triumph Over Tragedy Foundation

Triumph Over Tragedy Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to support the family unit through biblical principles from the initial impact of...

Zero 2 A Hundred – Jason Roy’s Documentary

https://youtu.be/FZfjHugwvAY Zero 2 A Hundred - Jason Roy's amazing story of God's restoration power from paralysis. Documentary www.Zero2aHundred.com

Zero 2 A Hundred

MISSION STATEMENT: The Zero 2 a Hundred Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of children and adolescents suffering from brain and/or...

Amy Van Dyken Foundation

We Improve The Lives Of People With Spinal Cord Injuries! What Amy Van Dyken-Rouen did in 2014 to flip her near-death tragedy into a much...

Still Flying High

Quadriplegic athlete is featured speaker at fundraising event for DREAM Adaptive Joe Stone doesn’t recall much about the speed flying accident that sent him crashing...


Getting Back Up seeks to help those living with a spinal cord injury by improving their quality of life TODAY. The focus is on...

Conquer Paralysis Now

Conquer Paralysis Now aims to do just that: Conquer paralysis for the millions of people throughout the world who are or may become paralyzed. We...

Paraplegic Foundation

The PARAPLEGIC FOUNDATION was started in 1968 by a group of social workers and doctors, in the barracks of LTMG Municipal Hospital located at...