Thursday, September 19, 2024

Tag: Northwestern University

‘Dancing Molecules’ Successfully Repair Severe Spinal Cord Injuries

After single injection, paralyzed animals regained ability to walk within four weeks Northwestern University investigators have developed a new injectable therapy that harnesses “dancing molecules”...

Wearable sensor may cut costs and improve access to biofeedback for people with incomplete...

A new electromyography biofeedback device that is wearable and connects to novel smartphone games may offer people with incomplete paraplegia a more affordable, self-controllable...

Nanoparticles limit damage in spinal cord injury

Injection after an injury reduces inflammation and scarring After a spinal cord injury, a significant amount of secondary nerve damage is caused by inflammation and...

Brain Electrodes Could Mean Movement For Spinal Injury Patients

Imagine moving an object by simply thinking about that action.

Researchers create brain-computer interface that bypasses spinal cord injury paralysis

Scientists at Northwestern University in Chicago, with funding from the National Institutes of Health, have successfully bypassed the spinal cord and restored fine motor...

Recorded brain commands, sent to muscles, may circumvent paralysis

For those whose arms as well as legs are paralyzed by spinal cord injury, no skill is more broadly useful to regain than the...