Sunday, February 16, 2025

Tag: Pregnancy

Diabetes and Spinal Cord Injury

People with spinal cord disorders are more Prone than most to developing type 2 diabetes. But the condition can be managed and even reversed...

Disabled Newton mom hoping for a miracle

Five years ago, Danielle Shine became a quadriplegic after a car accident. Now, she hopes to raise money for an experimental stem cell transplant...

Stem-cell therapy: Cure or hoax in China?

'Some get miracles'; others are skeptical The website for Beike Biotechnology bursts with stories that can only be categorized as medical miracles: a Paraplegic can...

Tip of the iceberg

There's more to paralysis than not being able to move. Victoria reveals the hidden medical challenges faced by people with spinal injuries Paralysis is...

Spitzer willing to bet on research

Lt. Gov. Paterson takes the lead in persuading voters on a bond issue in 2008. About one-third of the women who come to the CNY...

freeSpeech- Annette Ross

Seven years ago, Annette Ross suffered a spinal cord injury while giving birth.

Harvard to clone human embryos

(AP) -- Stepping into a research area marked by controversy and fraud, Harvard University scientists said Tuesday they are trying to clone human embryos...


Women with Paraplegia or Quadriplegia and of childbearing age usually regain menses; nearly 50% do not miss a single...


Autonomic Dysreflexia, also known as Hyperreflexia, is a state that is unique to patients after spinal cord injury at...

Some Female Spinal Cord Patients With Amenorrhea May Still Conceive Children: Presented at AACE

CHICAGO, I.L. -- May 2, 2006 -- Many women who sustain permanent spinal cord injury and develop resulting transitory amenorrhea may still be able...