Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tag: Spinal Cord Injury Recovery

Treatment and Cure Research

Summary of Basic Science Research As you can see by the facts detailed above, the problem of CNS response to injury is incredibly complex. No...

Law Firms & Attorneys

Law Firms & Attorneys Specializing in Spinal Cord Injury Cases Brain Injury Law Center Based in Hampton, VA, and recognized nationally as a legal advocate for...

Other Resource Sites

ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act U.S. Department of Justice ADA home page. ADA Technical Assistance Program Consisted of a diverse array of projects to further the...

Misc Spinal Cord Injury Health Issues

Bladder Dysfunction The bladder muscle, "detruser" and external sphincter are similarly affected. Early drainage occurs with indwelling ("foley") Catheter. When urine volumes are equal to...

Craig Hospital to launch experimental spine therapy

An experimental therapy that has shown promise for people with spinal cord injuries will soon be available in the metro area. The process, called...

Reeve recovery hopes boosted

Scientists have uncovered evidence that actor Christopher Reeve could make a full recovery from paralysis if his spinal injury can be fixed. Reeve, the star...

First-ever guidelines for spinal cord injuries.

How spinal cord injuries (SCI) are managed--especially in the critical early stages--has a profound effect on a patient's outcome. The publication of the first...

Spinal Cord: Heal Thyself

Transplanted stem cells can improve Motor skills in injured rats FRIDAY, Aug. 30 (HealthDayNews) -- Japanese researchers are reporting yet another advance in the repair...

To Walk Again or Not Walk Again

I was listening to a tape on the Internet at Greg Smith's On-A-Roll Talk Radio on Life and Disability (excellent site by the way)....