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HomeInformationInternational Spinal Cord Injury Day - September 5th

International Spinal Cord Injury Day – September 5th

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“International Days” are celebrated to mark important aspects of human life and history. On the suggestion of its Prevention Committee, International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) has decided to observe ‘Spinal Cord Injury Day’ on 5th September every year with the intention of increasing awareness amongst the general public. It is presumed that the awareness would facilitate an inclusive life for persons with disability and ensure greater chances of success of prevention programs.

Spinal cord injury (SCI) and the resultant paralysis has devastating physical, mental, social, sexual and vocational consequences for the injured. In addition, the injury increases the economic burden on the person who sustains an SCI and potentially his or her entire support network. As per the statistics from USA, depending on the severity, SCI can cost an injured individual USD 334,000 to 1 million in the first year after injury. Costs in each subsequent year range from USD 41,000 to 178,000. And it isn’t always bad luck that causes spinal cord injuries. In many cases, it is carelessness, recklessness, ignorance or bad decisions.

The goal of management is to get the spinal injured to lead an inclusive life. Because of the permanence of disability in complete injuries, prevention assumes special significance. The common saying is, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. But in fact, where a spinal cord injury is concerned, ‘Prevention is Cure’.

ISCoS promotes the highest standards of care for spinal cord injured throughout the world. Through its medical and multi disciplinary team of professionals ISCoS endeavors to foster education, research and clinical excellence. Hence it is only appropriate for ISCoS to take up such an initiative with the potential of having a significant impact globally. The affiliated societies of ISCoS will be helping ISCoS implement its action plan globally. ISCoS is approaching world bodies including WHO, UN, UNICEF, etc to declare 5th September as an official SCI Day.

Most spinal cord injuries can be prevented. The common saying is, ‘Prevention is better than cure. But in fact, where a spinal cord injury is concerned, Prevention is cure.

Read more about Spinal Cord Injury Day

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