• Between 222,000 and 285,000 Americans are living with spinal cord injuries.
• 11,000 new cases occur each year.
• 85 percent of spinal cord patients who survive the first 24 hours are still alive 10 years later.
• 38 years is the average age at injury.
• 78.2 percent of spinal cord injuries since 2000 have occurred among males.
• 44 percent of spinal cord injuries are caused by motor vehicle crashes.
• 88.3 percent of all people with spinal cord injuries live in private homes.
• 15 is the average number of days spent in a hospital with a spinal cord injury.
• $682,957 is the average first-year cost for a severe spinal cord injury.
Sources: Spinal Cord Injury Information Network; National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center