Dear Supporters of Disability Rights and Services:
We are asking you today for your financial support for a Disability Activist Legal Defense and Education Fund (DALDEF) for ADAPT activists who have been or will be arrested advocating for the rights of people with disabilities and older Americans to live and receive services in their homes and communities.
The battles to reform the institutionally biased long term care system must continue if we are to protect people from being needlessly warehoused in nursing homes and other institutions. 104 people were recently arrested in DC occupying the offices of the Congressional leadership of both parties. Their crime was advocating for the passage of MiCASSA and Money Follows the Person, two pieces of legislation that when passed, will move us a long way down the road to ending the institutional bias.
Through hard work by a local DC lawyer a good deal was negotiated. Even so the fines and legal fees totaled over $6,000.
We need your financial assistance!
Next March ADAPT will be hold its next National Gathering in Nashville, Tennessee. Tennessee has one of the worst records in the country for providing home and community services. In fact Tennessee is in the process of slashing Medicaid funding for health and long term services for thousands of disabled and older Tennesseans.
We anticipate over 500 disabled activists will converge on Nashville, Tennessee to support the struggle of local activists who have been battling a Governor intent on throwing people off services and send a message to Senator Frist that Congress must act to end the institutional battle.
All contributions to ADAPT are tax deductible. Your contribution will be used solely for legal defense and education activities.
So please send your $50, $100, $500, $1000 or whatever you can afford to:
The ADAPT Community – DALDEF
1339 Lamar Sq Drive Suite 101
Austin, Texas 78704
For an Institution Free America,
Steve Gold
Diane Coleman
Marjorie Rifkin
Gayle Hafner