Tag: BrainGate
Brain Implant Translates Paralyzed Man’s Thoughts Into Text With 94% Accuracy
A man paralyzed from the neck down due to a spinal cord injury he sustained in 2007 has shown he can communicate his thoughts,...
Brain Implants and Wearables Let Paralyzed People Move Again
A “neural bypass” routes signals around the damaged spinal cord, potentially restoring both movement and sensation
In 2015, a group of neuroscientists and engineers assembled...
People with tetraplegia gain rapid use of brain-computer interface
For a brain-computer interface (BCI) to be truly useful for a person with tetraplegia, it should be ready whenever it's needed, with minimal expert...
Man with quadriplegia employs injury bridging technologies to move again—just by thinking
First recipient of implanted brain-recording and muscle-stimulating systems reanimates limb that had been stilled for eight years.
Bill Kochevar grabbed a mug of water, drew...
One Small Step for a Paraplegic, One Big Step Toward Reversing Paralysis
In a hospital in Switzerland, permanently paralyzed people are now learning to walk again with the help of stimulating electrodes implanted in their spines....
Brain-computer interface advance allows fast, accurate typing by people with paralysis
In a Stanford-led research report, three participants with movement impairment controlled an onscreen cursor simply by imagining their own hand movements.
A clinical research publication...
BrainGate brings wireless computer mind control to paralysed people
A wireless brain-computer interface capable of transmitting thought commands to digital devices is close to commercialisation following more than a decade of development.
The BrainGate...
Wireless brain implant promises freedom from paralysis
People who have lost their limbs may no longer fear the prospect of paralysis, if researchers manage to perfect a wireless brain implant.
Research by...
Experimental Surgery Aims to Revive a Paralyzed Limb
A paralyzed man will receive experimental surgery connecting a brain chip to systems that activate muscles in his arm.
Doctors will attempt to reanimate a...