Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Tag: Spinal Cord

Management of the spinal cord injured football player.

TIERNEY AND COLLEAGUES ASSESSED THE EFFECT OF head position and football equipment (helmet and shoulder pads) on cervical spinal cord space in subjects lying...

Laserpuncture is a New Treatment for SCI?

LASERPUNCTURE FOR SPINAL CORD INJURY Laurance Johnston, Ph.D. Laserpuncture is generating much attention in France and other parts of Europe as an alternative medicine treatment...

Benefit for paralyzed snowboarder takes off

BRECKENRIDGE - On April 6, 2002, Matt Wyffels was competing at Copper Mountain and broke his back. After suffering a spinal cord injury, doctors told...

The ‘sport’ of bioengineering

Yes, it is a picture of the Olympic rings, but the rings themselves are constructed out of living nerve cells. This biological version of the...

Dip-Stick Testing for Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common problem for persons with spinal cord injury. Signs and symptoms of UTI may include cloudy urine, increased...

Tube ‘could repair’ spinal injuries

Doctors trying to find a way to repair devastating spinal injuries have used a plastic tube implant to restore some movement in rats. However, experts...

Police Officer Hospitalized After Crash

Spinal Injury Could Cause Paralysis (LOUISVILLE, June 29th, 2001, 3:30 p.m.) -- A Louisville police officer was seriously injured this morning in a single car...

Pig Snouts Used to Treat Spinal Cord Injury

In a recent study, scientists used cells from pig snouts to successfully repair severed spinal cords in rats. The pig cells were engineered so...

Life Satisfaction Among Persons with Spinal Cord Injuries

Every year, approximately 10,000 persons in the United States, typically young adults (New Mobility, 1996), seriously injure their spinal cords and become permanently paralyzed....

Exacerbating cervical spine injury by applying a hard collar.

Neck immobilisation is vital in patients with suspected Cervical spine injuries and generally involves applying a hard cervical collar--usually by ambulance crew, nurses, or...