Sunday, February 9, 2025

Tag: blood pressure

replicating the baroreflex

Neuroprosthetic device maintains blood pressure after spinal cord injury

The inability to maintain blood pressure is a debilitating consequence of spinal cord injury. This problem has now been circumvented, by artificially recreating a...

Research could change how blood pressure is managed in spinal cord injury patients

CORD principal investigators Dr. Christopher West and Dr. Brian Kwon and their research teams have published a study that challenges the current standard for...

What is Autonomic Dysreflexia and how does it affect spinal cord injury? This is an informative video about Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) which is a condition that affects anyone who has a spinal cord injury T6 level...

UofL researchers finding ways to improve lives of spinal cord injury patients University of Louisville researchers are finding ways to help those who suffer catastrophic spinal cord injuries battle other health problems related to their injury. One...

Resources to support safer bowel care for patients at risk of autonomic dysreflexia

Patients with spinal cord injury or neurological conditions may have neurogenic bowel dysfunction, which often means they depend on routine interventional bowel care, including...

Taking Strides Toward Healing Spinal Cord Injuries

Patients with severe spinal cord injury (SCI) often experience chronically low blood pressure that negatively affects their health, their quality of life, and their...

Things you might not know about Autonomic Dysreflexia

The body is a series of checks and balances. This is true of muscles that push and countering muscles that pull. It is also...

Autonomic Dysreflexia is a life threatening condition

Autonomic Dysreflexia is a life threatening condition that can cause death. The most common causes of Autonomic Dysreflexia are bladder and bowel distension. Signs and Symptoms:...

Autonomic hyperreflexia after spinal cord injury managed successfully with intravenous lidocaine: a case report

Abstract Background Some paraplegic patients may wish undergo some surgical procedures, like urological procedures, without anesthesia. However, these patients can develop autonomic hyperreflexia if cystoscopy is...