Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tag: Cure

Spinal Injury Cures: Balancing Hope And Expectation

Reports of paralysed animals walking again can give unrealistic hopes to people with spinal injuries. What is more important is that they develop the...

Doctors seek new subjects after first successful cell transplant

After decades of research, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis has completed its first human cell transplant for a spinal cord injury. Doctors grew what...

Amazing hypothermia protocol cures gymnast’s spinal cord injury

A relatively new treatment protocol is providing nearly miraculous results for some victims of spinal cord injuries, reports the Miami Herald. In the case...

Rick Hansen set to re-enact his Man in Motion journey

Relay involving 7,000 Canadians chosen from 600 communities along the route will begin on 25th anniversary of historic trek When an exhausted but triumphant Rick...

Quadriplegic donkey walks again Stem cells aid recovery from spinal-cord injury

Eli the donkey’s recovery from incomplete quadriplegia could be the most important breakthrough in traumatic spinal-cord injuries and for the stem-cell treatment that restored...

Promise of stem cells fulfilled

clinical trial in Atlanta, Georgia, is proof that informed public debate is the key to medical advance IF I'm honest, my first reaction to recent...

What research brings spinal cord-injured patients closer to a cure?

Millions of people worldwide experience spinal cord injuries. Breakthroughs bring researchers progress, but a complete cure is a long way off Spinal cord repair focuses...

Spinal Cord Injury Victim and Role Model Brings Essential Treatment Options to the Bay...

SCI-FIT ((Spinal Cord Injury Functional Integrated Therapy) is open for business in its new location. SCI-FIT is Northern California’s only facility that provides comprehensive,...

Desperate search for spinal cord injury cure

Imagine the plight of a young person, the sole bread-earner in the family, getting paralysed below the neck as a result of a road...

Second anniversary of Michigan embryonic stem cell research vote

On Oct 4-6, Michigan welcomes the World Stem Cell Summit. Honored at the conference are Governor Jennifer Granholm and Alfred Taubman. Dr. Joseph Kincaid...