Tag: life
Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of Joni’s Diving Accident
Recently I was at my desk writing to Tommy, a 17-year-old boy who just broke his neck body surfing off the Jersey shore. He’s now a...
App helps drivers in wheelchairs get help at the gas pump
Langley's Zosia Ettenberg says refuelling in wheelchair impossible without assistance
The simple act of filling a gas tank can be an insurmountable challenge for...
The Adventures of Frank and Mustard
The Adventures of Frank and Mustard is a children's book that was inspired by Simon Calcavecchia's experiences of living with quadriplegia.
The reason we created...
Realising There Is Life After Spinal Cord Injury Inspired Me To Help Others
As I put down the phone, I really felt for my new mentee Laura and what she was going through. When you have a...
Dancer With Spinal Cord Injury Continues To Dance
Chelsie Hill’s dream was to be a dancer and it was evident since she was little that the California native had a promising future...
Memoirs of a Body – A Short Documentary
A short documentary called Memoirs of a Body, which takes a unique look at how we physically embody our sense of self through the...
Lawyer works to keep a positive outlook on his quadriplegic status
KEARNEY — Just one finger, a hand, an arm. That’s all Jeff Wirth is asking for.
In the 13½ months since a minor crash, Wirth...
How Travis Roy Rebuilt After a Tragic Hockey Injury
On Oct. 20, 1995, 11 seconds into his college hockey career, Travis Roy found himself face down on the ice at Boston University’s Walter...
BOOK: No Backing Down
Quadriplegic Refuses to Let Disability Hinder Happiness
John Thompson showcases the power of determination and self-belief in new book
OLYMPIA, WA (PRWEB) January 17, 2017 -...
Quadriplegic woman embraces future as mother after IVF treatment
BABY Reagan stretches his hands as he lies on a pillow on his mother’s lap.
Nicole Crawford gently kisses his fingers, wondrous at the miracle...