Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Answers to frequently asked Questions about Spinal Cord Injury

Stepping Closer To Nerve Regeneration After Spinal Cord Injury

MedicalResearch.com Interview with: Bradley T. Lang, PhD Researcher, Jerry Silver Lab Department of Neurosciences Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Medical Research: What is...
University Of Maryland School Of Medicine

Do spinal cord injuries cause subsequent brain damage?

University Of Maryland School Of Medicine researchers find that spinal cord injuries can cause brain degeneration Baltimore, Md., November 14, 2014--Most research on spinal cord...

How neurons control fine motor behavior of the arm

Motor commands issued by the brain to activate arm muscles take two different routes. As the research group led by Professor Silvia Arber at...

Will stem cell therapy help cure spinal cord injury?

A systematic survey of the scientific literature shows that stem cell therapy can have a statistically significant impact on animal models of spinal cord...

Spinal Injuries Treated With Hypoxia: What Is This Promising (And Surprising) New Treatment?

Inhaling less oxygen, known as hypoxia, boosts the walking abilities of patients with spinal injuries, according to a counterintuitive treatment described today in the...

Does the Timing of Surgery to Treat Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Affect Outcomes?

New Rochelle, NY — Performing surgery to take pressure off the spine after a traumatic injury soon after the event could prevent or reverse...

A pacemaker in the brain for spinal cord injury?

Deep-brain stimulation, a technique used for more than a decade to manage the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, may help restore greater function and more...

What Kids Should Know About Spinal Injuries in Sports

A push to alert high school athletes about neck injuries A new push is under way to raise awareness of a little-understood but dangerous risk...

Jesse Billauer: Happiness Interview

You’re 17, and the most pressing concerns in your life are binge-drinking, prom, and being your parents’ worst nightmare.  The so-called “real world” is...

Nutrition for people with spinal cord injuries

Maintaining health can prevent secondary complications from developing, new book says oanne Smith and Kylie James knew that diet plays a significant role in the...