Saturday, April 20, 2024


Finding the ‘Wright Stuff’ to Press Onward

Los Angeles (PRWEB) Spinal injuries affect approximately 276,000 Americans with varying degrees of longevity and quality of life. For Victor J. Wright, his young...

About Jason Roy and the The Zero 2 a Hundred Foundation

About Jason: Jason Roy, a Houston, Texas native, attended Sharpstown High School and is a graduate of Texas Southern University. In 2003, Jason completed...

Rob Pyne becomes the first quadriplegic elected to parliament in Australia

A far north Queensland man has become the first quadriplegic Member of Parliament anywhere in Australia. Rob Pyne was sworn into state parliament this week...

Zero 2 A Hundred – Jason Roy’s Documentary Zero 2 A Hundred - Jason Roy's amazing story of God's restoration power from paralysis. Documentary

Joel Sardi: My Spinal Cord Injury…

The loss of hand function is one of the most devastating consequences of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) because of its severe impact on the...

Quadriplegic hopes to race cars again

var p = new anv_pl_def(); p.config = {}; p.config.width = 590; p.config.height = 332; p.loadVideoExpressV3('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|1000011|SPS'); Sam Schmidt working with Arrow Electronics There's a race car in...

Quadriplegic mom raising twin girls faces extra hurdles

Three years ago, she gave birth to twin girls at Hamilton's McMaster University Medical Centre, an event so rare that her care team did...

Jablonski Moving Forward, Three Years after Spinal Cord Injury

Jack Jablonski isn't letting a life-altering spinal cord injury get in the way of achieving his dreams. He's 19 years old now and just last month he started college at the University of Southern California.

Quadriplegic teacher helped make history

HOUSTON — After the head-on car crash, Lex Frieden thought he was OK. He’d been in the back seat, not the front, that fall night...

New technology helps mental, physical recovery

AUSABLE FORKS — Standing among the friends and family gathered at the Jan. 1 wedding of Michaela Bushey and Kyle Devins were a trio...