Paralyzed teen walks on legs he can’t feel
HOUSTON -- Daquan Minor is a walking miracle -- especially since he's walking on legs and feet he can no longer feel.
"We were speeding....
Standing Wheelchair Gives New Mobility To Spinal Injury Victims
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) –– According to the National Spinal Cord Injury statistical center, 270,000 Americans live with a spinal cord injury.
But now, there’s a...
Five Years After Being Paralyzed from the Chest Down, Dustin Shillcox Completes the New...
After crossing the finish line in the New York City Marathon Sunday, hand cyclist Dustin Shillcox had a message for the millions of people living with paralysis. "I'm living proof nothing is impossible."
The 31-year-old from Green River, Wyoming, is paralyzed from the chest down, but that didn't stop him from racing in the marathon and crossing the finish line in one hour, 46 minutes and 49 seconds.
The power of positive thinking
Regardless of circumstance, Michelle Barnhart has always lived her life with a positive mental attitude.
Barnhart, 28, of Rindge, was left paralyzed from the waist down after an ATV accident on April 23, 2013. Rather than letting the severity of her injury get the best of her, Barnhart will be using her experiences in the coming months to help others recover from similar injuries.
Without An Exoskeleton, Paralyzed Man Uses Brain Control To Walk
A man who is at the center of a new project being conducted by researchers from the University of California Irvine is giving hope to people with spinal cord injuries who have lost their ability to move their limbs that they will be able to one day walk again.
Paraplegic recounts relearning to walk via brain-computer link
For paraplegic Adam Fritz, the thrill of the computer-assisted first steps he took five years after being paralysed in a motorcycle crash came only after he was unhooked from the system that enabled him to walk briefly in a bioengineering lab.
Alberta men share inspiring stories of life-altering spinal cord injuries
Two survivors of devastating spinal cord injuries shared their stories with Global News, describing their paralysis and the very different ways their lives have changed since losing their ability to walk.
A shattering crash, an online chronicle, and an unexpected twist
In the age of social media, patients who test experimental treatments wield surprising clout.
The tweets and the selfies, the uploaded video clips, felt like a natural way for Jesi Stracham to record her halting progress as she fought to recover from a motorcycle accident that had left her paralyzed from the chest down.
She had no idea, as she tapped away at her iPhone from her hospital bed, what her bubbly posts would unleash.
Paralyzed designer creates jeans for women in wheelchairs
Most pieces of clothing are not designed for people with disabilities. Alter Ur Ego is not one of them.
Heidi McKenzie, a T4 paraplegic woman paralyzed in a car accident in 2007 at the age of 21, has designed a collection of jeans dubbed Alter Ur Ego for people who use wheelchairs.
Believe in a way back to fitness with a spinal cord injury
It's 7:30 a.m. at Magee Riverfront’s Wellness Center and Delano Turnipseed has already broken a sweat on a very unique type of exercise equipment:...