Saturday, February 8, 2025

| Source: IKAN Bowler
IKAN Bowler
IKAN Bowler

No matter what levelof SCI incurred, MGT is committed to assistingadults and children who are living withspinal cord injury to live activelyand independently. Our two flagship products,IKANBowler ® and IKANPower Soccer are designedto do just that. With the ability to bemounted to virtually any power wheelchair, these products give those who have alllevels of spinal cord injury a fun activityto fulfill their competitive spirit.

These activities offer an array of therapeutic,social, and recreational benefits.

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Study identifies drug target to prevent autonomic dysfunction after spinal cord...

In response to stressful or dangerous stimuli, nerve cells in the spinal cord activate involuntary, autonomic reflexes often referred to as "fight or flight"...