PORTAGE | The Northwest Indiana Spinal Cord Injury Group is hoping to educate people about life in a wheelchair by sponsoring a series of three films.
The films, said group founder Joe White, of Valparaiso, illustrate various aspects of spinal cord injury, recovery and research.
“They moved me, and they are great films. I feel the need to share them,” White said. “It is also a way for me and the group to thank the community for all the support for the walk.”
The group hosted its first Spinal Cord Injury Walk last year at Old Fairgrounds Park in Valparaiso and is hosting a second walk Sept. 21 to raise awareness about spinal cord injuries.
“All three of the films together touch on almost every aspect of life in a chair,” White said. “We are hoping people show up.”
The films will be presented at the Portage 16/IMAX theater, 6550 U.S. 6. While there is no fee for viewing the films, donations to the group will be accepted.
All films will be presented at 2 p.m. The first film is “Christopher Reeve: Hope in Motion” on Sunday. The film follows actor Christopher Reeve through his recovery following a fall from a horse that left him paralyzed.
“I had no idea the extent of the recovery he had been in. Until you see it, you don’t know,” said White, who was paralyzed nearly five years ago after being thrown from a mechanical bull ride at the Porter County Fair. “It touches on what a family goes through, and it shows you what’s possible with the right resources and support. It brought out a lot of emotion in myself.”
Other films slated for the series are “Mapping Stem Cell Research: Terra Incognita” on Aug. 3 and “Murderball” on Aug. 17.
“Over the last four years of my advocacy, these are the movies that touched me,” he said.
The group is seeking sponsors for the film series. There are various levels of sponsorships available. For more information or to help sponsor the series, call White at (219) 531-0055.
219.762.1397, ext. 2222