Monday, December 9, 2024

Tag: Games

LP Accessible Technologies

LP Accessible Technologies was founded by Luis Pena. Luis became a quadriplegic on October 18, 2007 when he was involved in a rollover accident...

LP Accessible Technologies

Accessible Gaming Technologies

Girls build their futures in wheelchair sports program

DOWNEY – The happy memories of a wonderful Christmas changed in an instant when four-year-old Katarina Milatovich and her family were involved in a...


AbleGamers - a community for the disabled - is the best source for news and game accessibility reviews on the latest video games and...

Wii Rehabilitation Therapy

The GameGame System Not Just Entertainment Nintendo's Wii game system is far more reaching than just among the teenage crowd. This new fad is now...

Guide to Best Apps for People Living with Paralysis

Apps designed for SmartPhones (Blackberry, Iphone, Android) and IPads can help increase independence and improve the quality of life for people who have limited...

Spinal cord patients enjoy swimming competition

Digam Limbu, 23, had sustained spinal cord injury in a road accident in Qatar on August 28 last year. The accident changed Limbu´s life,...

London marks 2-year countdown to Paralympics

LONDON — London will mark the two-year countdown to the homecoming of the Paralympics on Sunday, celebrating the growing prominence of the event and...


The SpecialEffect Charity, which runs the GameBase, began as a result of an award winning Ace Centre Project. SpecialEffect is dedicated to helping ALL young...

We All Have Disabilities, You Can Just See Mine!

The fact is none of us know when we may be the victim of a debilitating accident or injury. One moment we could be...