Sunday, February 9, 2025

Tag: Health Care

Spinal Cord Injury Patients Face Many Serious Health Problems Besides Paralysis

MAYWOOD, ILĀ ā€“ Ā Paralysis is just one of the many serious health problems faced by patients who suffer spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord patients also are...

Public Health Officials Struggle To Identify Sepsis Before It Becomes Deadly

After Rory Staunton fell at the gym and cut his arm in March of 2012, the 12-year-old became feverish and vomited during the night,...

AMR Air Ambulance

AMR Air Ambulance, a subsidiary of Envision Healthcare. We deliver fixed wing air ambulance transport services that provide true "bed-to-bed" service, including specialized medical...

What’s Next? In Limbo With Syrian Refugees Who Have Spinal Cord Injuries

ā€œDo you eat eye?ā€ the man asked me, tearing meat away from a sheepā€™s skull. ā€œNo, I do not eat eye,ā€ I replied, pleased to...

Do the Paralyzed Have a Medical Right to This $70K Exoskeleton?

American insurance providers are being faced with an interesting health care debate: Should walking be considered a need? At the center of this debate are...

Long Beach VA opens facility to house vets with spinal cord injuries

Veterans Administration Long Beach held its grand opening for a Long Term Care Unit designed for veterans that have sustained a spinal cord injury or disorder and are not able to live independently or with family.

Morphine might take away pain, but does it do more harm than good?

The damaging effects of giving morphine after a major injury. A soldier on the battlefield, a driver in a car accident, a nursing home resident...

Leading experts urge Canadian health-care providers to improve care for people living with SCI

Leading Canadian spinal cord injury (SCI) experts have launched the unprecedented Spinal Cord Injury: A Manifesto for Changeā€”a call to action and a plea...

Helping Spinal Cord Injury Patients in Sri Lanka

This is the only acute care rehab facility at a primary trauma centre in Sri Lanka.

Young people with spinal injuries face discharge to homes for elderly people

Incurring a spinal injury when you're young is surely difficult enough without having to convalesce in a home for older people Linda Liebenberg did not...