Saturday, February 8, 2025


Spinal Cord patient reacts to stem cell breakthrough

WESTLAKE, Ohio --  Cutting edge research being developed in Cleveland could have significant impact on people who've suffered spinal cord damage. In July of 2009, Scott...

Tetraplegic student completes Tough Mudder Challenge in a wheelchair he controls with his chin

Tough Mudder, which some say is 'probably the toughest event on the planet', is a gruelling 12 mile assault course A student has become the world's first tetraplegic to take part in Tough Mudder - navigating the gruelling 12-mile course in a pioneering wheelchair he controls with his chin.

Paralyzed veteran opens spinal cord injury recovery center

A paralyzed veteran and his wife have met their fundraising goal and opened a non-profit recovery center for spinal-cord injured patients to recover. Stay In...

Quadriplegic Artist Makes Incredible Paintings Using Only His Mouth

Nothing will ever come between Henry Fraser and his love for art. Fraser, an England-based painter, was paralyzed after a traumatic accident six years ago. While...

Think first to help prevent brain, spinal cord and other traumatic injuries

Billy Roussel is a risk taker. Always has been. So when he saw a platform high in a tree with a cable over the waters...

Paralyzed veteran opens Tampa center for those with spinal cord injuries

When the room was just four concrete walls, before it was outfitted with state-of-the-art therapy equipment and a sign that says "Never ever give...

Former racer, now a quadriplegic, to drive modified Corvette on Long Beach Grand Prix...

Sam Schmidt was in the cockpit of a black Corvette C7 Stingray as the car zipped across the pavement of a simulated road course...

About Jason Roy and the The Zero 2 a Hundred Foundation

About Jason: Jason Roy, a Houston, Texas native, attended Sharpstown High School and is a graduate of Texas Southern University. In 2003, Jason completed...

Zero 2 A Hundred – Jason Roy’s Documentary Zero 2 A Hundred - Jason Roy's amazing story of God's restoration power from paralysis. Documentary

Quadriplegic hopes to race cars again

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