The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, a national nonprofit dedicated to improving quality of life for individuals living with paralysis, is pleased to announce the release of its newly updated Paralysis Resource Guide (PRG) from the Foundation’s Paralysis Resource Center (PRC). Since 2002, when the PRC was first established, the Foundation has distributed over 200,000 copies of the PRG to people living with paralysis, their caregivers and family members.
The 4th edition of the PRG has up to date paralysis-related information, topics on secondary conditions (pain, spasticity, etc.), travel, employment, disability benefits, and sports and recreation. There are entire sections devoted to caregivers, military and veterans and children living with paralysis. A new Profile section features individual stories from people and families impacted by the PRC’s programs and resources such as Information Specialists, the Peer & Family Support Program, Military and Veterans Program (MVP), Quality of Life Grant Program and the NeuroRecovery Network.
In this updated edition, the PRG features a revamped chapter (Chapter 6) on the latest tools and technology including assistive technology, home modifications, wheelchairs, environmental controls, universal design, and driving an adapted car. Wireless connectivity is featured for the first time with sections on eye gaze technology, voice recognition, and information on new products in this area. Other new topics include:
- The ABLE Act is a new tool for tax-exempt saving and financial planning for people with disabilities.
- The Resource Map, a new feature on the Foundation’s website, allows one to look up resources by entering a zip code.
- New spinal cord injury treatments and rehabilitation information including epidural stimulation.
- A change in terminology from pressure sores to pressure injuries.
- Updated suicide prevention hotlines.
To order a FREE copy(ies), please call 1-800-539-7309 or 973-379-2690. To order online or view via PDF, please see, or you can email us at The PRG is also available on a flash drive if requested. ISBN 978-0-9960951-5-0
Look out for the Spanish version of the Paralysis Resource Guide in the Summer of 2018.
About the Reeve Foundation:
The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by funding innovative research and improving the quality of life for people living with paralysis through grants, information and advocacy. We meet all 20 of the Better Business Bureau’s standards for charity accountability and hold the BBB’s Charity Seal. The Paralysis Resource Center (PRC) is a program of the Reeve Foundation and is funded through a cooperative agreement with the Administration for Community Living (cooperative agreement number 90PR3002). For more information, please visit our website at or call 800-539-7309.
SOURCE Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
Related Links
Paralysis Resource Guide (PRG)