Global Petition in support of Spinal Cord Research
The launch of a global petition in support of spinal cord research took place yesterday. Signatures for Spinal Cord Research is a compelling appeal to all spinal cord injured, their families, friends and the public to come together under one petition to urge funding and support for research that will deliver a cure for paralysis. 2.5 million people worldwide are victims of traumatic spinal cord injuries, with well over an additional 130,000 new cases occurring every year.
Added to those already high statistics are the incidences of atraumatic injuries from illness which escalate the numbers even higher. Loss of the use of limbs, control of bowel/bladder, lack of reproductive function, the inability to breathe plus untreatable neuropathic pain, spasticity, skin breakdown and the threat of infection, make life a daily battle for survival. Not just a physical and psychological battle, but a financial battle too with a lifetime estimate between $438,000 – $1,350,000 per individual depending on level of injury.
The spinal cord injured community says “enough waiting” – the science is there, a cord can be regenerated and now Governments worldwide must ensure that funding is in place to take it from success in the lab to cure in the clinic. Signatures for Spinal Cord Research urges everyone to get involved to make this happen. Help move this mountain – make paralysis a curable condition.