Tag: Exoskeleton
New Methods Show Promise for Rehabilitating Paralyzed Patients With Spinal Cord Injury
An array of techniques – some available now and others on the horizon – aim to restore movement and other functions in patients with...
With Robotic Walking Suit, Paralyzed Person Will Give World Cup’s First Kick
The World Cup's opening ceremony may wind up being the most exciting event of the tournament.
A Brazilian person who is paralyzed will walk onto...
Helping paralyzed soldiers take their first steps
They put their lives on the line for the good of our country every day- American troops aren’t just patriotic heroes, they are survivors.
Exoskeletons bring people with spinal cord injuries back to their feet
Mitch Brogan has a message for doctors: Don’t tell people with spinal cord injuries they’ll never walk again.
The London, Ont., man, who had his...
Rehab centers adopt motion-based treatments for spinal-cord patients
Locomotor therapies re-create and repeat the pattern of walking to train the spinal cord in functions formerly controlled by the brain.
Locomotor therapies re-create and...
Robotic exoskeleton helps some patients walk again
SALT LAKE CITY – Technology is helping a few people who are paralyzed walk again, and a young woman from Utah is among the...
Bronx VA doctor helps paraplegics walk with exoskeletons
Ann Spungen, the principal investigator of the VA’s exoskeletal-assisted walking study, is excited about the ReWalk, a device invented by an Israeli scientist that...
Powered exoskeleton provides more independence to people with severe spinal cord injuries
The dream of regaining the ability to stand up and walk has come closer to reality for people paralyzed below the waist who thought...
Preliminary research findings released for Ekso robotic exoskeleton in spinal cord injury
Kessler Foundation has released preliminary research findings from its clinical study of the wearable robotic exoskeletal device, Ekso (Ekso Bionics). Gail Forrest, PhD, assistant...
Most accurate robotic legs mimic human walking gait
A group of US researchers has produced a robotic set of legs which they believe is the first to fully model walking in a...