Tag: Fundraising
Denny Sanford Donates 100 Million to UCSD
Philanthropist Denny Sanford is donating $100 million to UC San Diego to speed up attempts to turn discoveries about human stem cells into drugs...
Paraplegic man to compete in 10k
Riggs seeks to utilize muscle memory therapy
CEDAR CITY — September is Spinal Cord Injury Awareness month and one Cedar City man hopes to bring...
Kelly Brush Ride raises record $300,000
A record number of riders participated in Vermont's largest charity ride, the Kelly Brush Century Ride powered by VBT Bicycle and Walking Vacations, helping...
Singing a song a day to help injured sister
Music has the power to lift spirits, set hearts racing, bring back forgotten memories - and Wollongong songwriter Jae Haydon hopes it has the...
Jason Dierking Ironman Challenge – Frazier Rehab Housing Fund
Coach pushes himself to reach his goal for him, his best friend and Frazier Rehab Housing Fund.
Department of Defense Awards $2 million to Spinal Cord Injury Research
SHORT HILLS, NJ -- (May 28, 2013) -- The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation and Capstone National Partners are pleased to announce a $2...
Helping Spinal Cord Injury Patients in Sri Lanka
This is the only acute care rehab facility at a primary trauma centre in Sri Lanka.
Best Friends Paralyzed Little More Than Two Years Apart
Alan Brown had just wrapped up a fundraiser for his high school best friend, Danny Heumann, who had been paralyzed after he broke his...
Governor Brown Vetoes Paralysis Cure Research Bill
The Governor of California has just dealt a devastating blow to paralysis cure research.
Yesterday afternoon, driving home after a trip to Sacramento to talk...
No traffic fines for research
AB 1657, which would devote $1 from certain traffic tickets to fund spinal cord injury research, is well-meaning but misguided. If the state is...